Rescue & Adoption Program — Scooter's Pals rescues dogs scheduled to die in high-kill shelters. We spay/neuter, fully vaccinate, and give any vet care needed. We provide foster care or interim boarding, including all food and vet care, till a good-fit, adoptive family is found.
As soon as a dog is deemed ready to be adopted, we add the dog's write--up, photo(s), and foster contact info to our Adoptable listings on Petfinder.com.
Our dedicated adoption team carefully reviews the adoption applications received for each dog (applications are required). We also conduct interviews and do a home check in an effort to find the best, good-fit match for each dog and each family, too.

Training & Rehabilitation Program — Most of the dogs we rescue need some socializing. They come to us from a shelter experience that is frightening and sometimes traumatic. Because Scooter's Pals is foster hone based, the dogs can decompress in a safe, nurturing environment. Our fosters are adept at calming new dogs, teaching the basic commands and good manners to our dogs.
On occasion, we discover that a rescue dog needs more advanced training to correct behavioral issues such as separation anxiety, fear, unfriendly behavior, etc. We are most fortunate to have a modest property that a loyal supporter helped us buy for this purpose. The results have been stunning. There are a number of dogs who have learned to be solid family citizens and have found their forever homes as a result.
Sanctuary Program — Sanctuary dogs are unadoptable but not terminal. They may be older, missing a limb or an eye or have an issue that makes them hard or impossible to place in a home of their own. They are sweet, precious companion animals that deserve to live.
These dogs live in loving foster homes with our Sanctuary Angels. Scooter's Pals provides their food, meds, and vet care whenever needed. These dogs deserve a good life and a gentle landing at the end of their lives. Scooter's Pals is unique among small animal rescues in that we are ready and willing to fill that need.
Pet Re-homing Program — If people in our area are unable to keep their dogs or cats, we help find alternative solutions to taking their pet to a shelter. We provide references for behavioral training and animal-friendly housing, And if needed, we help owners re-home their pets with free Petfinder.com listings and guest participation in our monthly Adoptathons.